Perform a reconciliation (end an accounting period)

To perform a reconciliation, complete the following steps.

  1. Access the Cash Box Management screen.
  2. Produce an X Report.
  3. Empty the note stacker. Set aside any money removed, then add it to the rest of the money removed from the stacker and cash box at the end of this procedure.
  4. Note: Physically emptying the note stacker prior to running a Pay Down prevents ‘full stacker’ situations during the Pay Down.

  5. Complete a Pay Down.
  6. If additional notes/coins are necessary to rebalance the float, select Load Cash, then add exactly the amount of notes/coins required to return the float values to green.
  7. Note: If you try to perform reconciliation without all denominations at float level, a warning appears. You may continue the reconciliation. In this situation, the Z-report produced in the next steip will include extra information showing the float differences.

  8. Produce a Z Report. Producing this report ends the accounting period and begins a new one.
  9. Remove all coins in the money box and all notes in the stacker from the kiosk.